Our Aim

We ensure your legal compliance through expertise, highly interactive and innovative software solutions and engaging stories.

Unser Ziel

Wir machen Sie rechtssicher: mit Sachkompetenz, innovativen Softwarelösungen und spannenden Stories

Our Expertise

DSN_train 2000 Companies’ DPO
DSN train 25 Security experts
DSN train 120 Legal experts
DSN train 23 Years experience

Our Motivation

We are transforming the way your employees learn.

The team at DSN train is dedicated to the continuous professional development and training of employees. Our goal is to educate people in ways that make even seemingly dull topics captivating, resulting in a lasting learning effect. This is why we use eLearning courses, where participants can directly apply the knowledge they've just acquired through interactive engagement. Feel free to compare our training content with that of other providers – you'll notice the difference!

As part of a large consultancy, the DSN GROUP, we understand how essential it is to have not only a strong training strategy but also a smart learning platform that supports the entire implementation.

Our Team

Pooled Expertise

Our close-knit team of over ten skilled professionals develop innovative software solutions to ensure you get the best training experience. With our Learning Management System (LMS), you can organise your training programmes effectively and easily. Through the tag and keyword system, you can arrange participants into training groups, for example, by department, field of work, or location. From sending training invitations to managing progress and training certifications, our LMS keeps everything in one place. This means you can always meet your accountability requirements for examiners, regulatory authorities, and auditors. If you require further advisory support in developing your training strategy (especially for mandatory training), our team at DSN train is more than happy to assist upon request.

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Part of a strong group

DSN train is a product of datenschutz nord GmbH and is therefore part of the DSN GROUP. The DSN GROUP is one of the leading providers nationwide for data protection, information security, and compliance. With over 200 employees across eight locations, the DSN GROUP is the reliable partner for over 2,000 companies, authorities, and other organisations, when it comes to consulting on data protection, information security, and compliance topics.

Our customers

What we do

With engaging narratives, modern course design, and interesting interactions, we ensure that learning is enjoyable! Whether it's about data protection, information security, or compliance, you'll find the right training for your needs with us. Missing a specific topic? No problem. We collaborate with you to develop content for eLearning courses and turn them into interactive eLearning events.

Want to see more of DSN train? 

With a free and non-binding trial access, you can try out our eLearning courses in their full versions.

Try now

eLearning Trainerin Alice im Büro. Sie sitzt am Schreibtisch, trägt einen Zopf und einen roten Rollkragenpullover.

Who we are

Our team consists of many creative, intelligent, organised, and solution-oriented individuals.

Bild von Agnes Filar, Produktmanagerin eLearning bei DSN GROUP.
Agnes Filar

Product Manager eLearning

Bild von Walter Gur, Produktmanager bei DSN GROUP.
Walter Gur

Product Manager

Bild von Danielle Karydis, Produktmanagerin eLearning bei DSN GROUP.
Danielle Karydis

Product Manager eLearning

Lino Kurig

Productmanager eLearning

Bild von Ulrich Kück-Bohms, Key Account Manager bei DSN GROUP.
Ulrich Kück-Bohms

Key Account Manager

Bild von Tom Lukass, Leiter Akademie bei DSN GROUP.
Tom Lukaß

Head of Academy

Bild von Tim Schubert, Account Manager bei DSN GROUP.
Tim Schubert

Account Manager

Bild von Stephan Roth, Prokurist bei DSN GROUP.
Stephan Roth

Autorized Signatory I VP Sales

Karolina Maria Stefanski

Head of LegalTech

Bild von Jannes Werk, Product Owner LMS bei DSN GROUP.
Jannes Werk

Product Owner LMS

Icon mit dem weißen Logo von DSN train, im Farbverlauf von dunkel- bis hellblau.
Christin Münzberg

Productmanager eLearning


All functions in a secure system

All functions in a secure system